
Apache The number one HTTP server on the internet.

PHP (recursive acronym for “PHP:Hypertext Preprocessor”) is a widely-used Open Source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML.

MySQL is the world’s most popular open source database, recognized for its speed and reliability.

PostgreSQL The world’s most advanced open source database.

7-Zip Free software distributed under the GNU LGPL, a free replacement for winzip, pkzip etc.

W3C The World Wide Web Consortium
Every thing you ever wanted to know about web software technology.

GeneWeb Written by Daniel de Rauglaudre is a genealogical database web server that uses a web browser to display and enter data on your family tree.

Gramps is a genealogy software project and community. Intuitive for hobbyists and feature complete for professional genealogists.

Debian GNU/Linuxa distro committed to free software.

Gentoo Linux If you want a Linux that is compiled from the ground up, is configured exactly as you want it and easily updated, this is the one for you.

Babylon 5 this is my all time favourite science fiction series, IMHO it makes Star Trek look like B movie twaddle. Enjoy!

Freebsd Project produce a free down loadable unix style operating system, runs all the same software as does Linux. I have so far found it to be extremely stable, fast and relatively easy to configure.

Slashdot if you’re into computers, software and gadgets this news site is for you.

The Register and The Inquirer Irreverent news sites on the computer technology world.

Chipmunk BASIC If you miss the quick and dirty delights of BASIC or just stricken with nostalgia, try this.

Transam Triton My first microcomputer, it originally sold as a kit, which I bought second hand ready built as the seller was upgrading to a Nascom-1.

Nascom 1 My second microcomputer, I was persuaded to sell the Triton and this one I had to build, those were the day’s!