After 10 Years, A New PC Build

After 10 years having an iMac then a Mac Pro (trashcan) late 2013 the frustrations with the Apple universe were building up, cost being top of the list.

Increasingly I found that a lot of the software I wanted to run was windows only, if there was a Mac version it was either very good or, the less said the better. So after several weeks of research I ordered the parts, the main ones being Geforce 3070 and Ryzen 9 5900. I could have ordered a ready built machine, but where is the fun in that.

I was lucky with the Geforce 3070 card and got that in a few days, I dithered about to much when ordering the Ryzen 9 and ended up 751st in the queue, with the prospect of a long wait I obtained a Ryzen 5 3600 6 core cpu to get things going.

I was not expecting a lot from the Ryzen 5, but it equals if not exceeds the performance of the Mac Pro, when the 12 core Ryzen 9 arrives, that will be interesting to see how that performs.

For comparison the Mac Pro is a Xeon 6 core, which clocks upto 3.6 GHz, with 32 Gbyte of DDR3 RAM and 500Gbyte SSD.

The PC is currently a AMD Ryzen 5 6 core with a base clock of 3.6 GHz, with 64 Gbyte of DDR4 RAM and 2 x 500 Gbyte NVME drives.

As an example the JAVA version of Minecraft runs at a max of 60 frames a second, on the new PC a max 118 frames a second is achieved, JAVA Minecraft is CPU intensive and barely uses the GPU.


Received the AMD Ryzen 9 5900 the morning after I wrote the above, very impressive, minecraft runs at a solid 140 frames a second, all in all leaves the old mac pro in the dust.
