Clusterssh on Ubuntu 18.04

Having installed Ubuntu 18.04 on the HP Stream lappy I then had a look for some tools to make it easier to administer my Raspberry pi cluster and looking in the Ubuntu software tool I found Clusterssh.

Now I already use this on a Mac and so did the configuration file as on the Mac, and of course it did not work.

The config file used to be .csshrc in the home directory, it is in .clusterssh/clusters. It is now of the form: (this is how mine is laid out)

cluster1  pi1  pi2 pi3

cluster2  pi4  pi5  pi6  pi7

cluster3   pi1  pi2 pi3 pi4  pi5  pi6  pi7

So for example if I type in a terminal “cssh -l user cluster1” I’ll get a small command window and a terminal window for each pi in the list.