HP Stream 14

The HP Stream 14 has a 30GB eMMC and 4GB memory with Windows 10 installed, Celeron N3060 Intel processor, 1366 x 768 14 inch screen, wireless LAN and Bluetooth, HDMI, three usb and a SD card slot, not impressive but would do the job I had in mind.

First problem was Windows 10, not enough space on the 30GB drive to do updates, needed a 16GB usb stick to continue the updates, still not enough space on the C: drive, spend an hour or so deleting as much of the dross as I could find, 5 hours later all the updates completed, 25GB used by Windows plus a recovery partition not a lot left for anything useful.

Second problem with Win10 is Cortana, it was a pleasure to silence the beast, who needs another nag, shame it can’t be uninstalled can only be disabled via a registry hack.

Decided that life was to short to continue with Win10 and deleted it with extreme prejudice and chose Ubuntu as a replacement OS after a little research. A couple of hours later Ubuntu 18.04 LTS installed, updated and with all the tools and then some that I required and with 22.9GB of free space.

Left as a Windows 10 machine it would have been frustrating to use especially when updates to Win10 are required as these take hours to complete, Ubuntu does these in minutes, a 60GB drive may have been a better option for Win10. With a 30GB drive Win10 is just to big and with all the crap manufactures put on as well does not make for a good user experience.