Installing Geneweb on the Raspberry Pi

If you need more information on geneweb

First a little house keeping on the Raspberry pi;

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

or if the system has not been upgraded in a while:

sudo apt-get dist-update

Now lets install geneweb:

sudo apt-get install geneweb
sudo apt-get install gwtp
sudo apt-get install gwsetup

Now we going to create an empty geneweb database, this can be any name we like, for this article I’m naming the database “myfamily”:

gwc -o myfamily

This creates a folder and a file, myfamily.gwb, and myfamily.lck

We now need to copy these to the correct folder and user:group for a fully functioning geneweb server, first the folder:

sudo cp -R myfamily.gwb /var/lib/geneweb/.
sudo chown -R geneweb:geneweb /var/lib/geneweb/myfamily.gwb

then the file:

sudo cp myfamily.lck /var/lib/geneweb/.
sudo chown geneweb:geneweb /var/lib/geneweb/myfamily.lck

If working on the local machine, fire up a browser and type “” into the address bar and return, you should see this, from another PC or tablet substitute the address of the raspberry pi for


enter “myfamily” or the name you have chosen into the box and click ok, and you will get the following, with 0 individuals though, this shot is from a populated database:


The database maintenance server is on

The maintenance page can only be accessed on the local machine, entering and retrieving genealogy data can be done on any browser on the local network.
