Cambridge Audio azur 752BD-D

I recently had the chance to compare the Cambridge Audio azur 752BD and the Audiolab 8200CD CD playing abilities, as far as CD’s are concerned the Audiolab lost.

I initially was looking for a good Blu-ray player and eventually settled on the Cambridge, the player met my expectations with Blu-ray discs but with CD’s I was gobsmacked, I was not expecting to be able to dispense with the Audiolabs services. To have one box to play most 12cm discs and stream audio and video, triple bonus!

The 752BD is a truly outstanding disc player in all respects, audio, video, streaming, price and its physical construction.

Only two niggles for me was the HDMI and USB ports on the front as I probably will not be using them, so I am glad they have removable plastic covers on and you don’t really notice them.
