Category: Thoughtfull

  • The Right to Secure Communications or Welcome to George Orwell’s 1984

    We all have or have had conversations with our partners, children, parents, doctor or priest that ought not be, and if we have complete trust in that person, communicated to a third party. Why should that change when we use a phone or email for example? do we really wont to lay out our lives…

  • RIP Margaret Thatcher

    The only Prime Minister in my lifetime that had a backbone, the rest are spineless worms. This country needs a few more Prime ministers like Margaret Thatcher.

  • A Song of Kabir

    Oh, light was the world that he weighed in his hands! Oh, heavy the tale of his fiefs and his lands! He has gone from the guddee and put on the shroud, And departed in guise of bairagi avowed! Now the white road to Delhi is mat for his feet. The sal and the kikar…